Hannah Ferrier Calls It “Heart Breaking” To See Chef Kiko Fired On ‘Below Deck Mediterranean’

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Last night’s episode of the Bravo hit was a doozy but at least Kiko has Hannah on his side.

Hannah Ferrier is Team Chef Kiko. During last night’s dramatic new episode of Below Deck Mediterranean, the longtime franchise star took to social media to share her thoughts on her departing co-star.

Taking to Twitter, Hannah called the episode—which saw Captain Sandy Yawn fire the chef after a disastrous Vegas-themed night—”heart breaking.”

“This episode is heart breaking for me to watch,” she tweeted during the episode, showing a somewhat softer side of herself. “I understand work is work but we are still human beings at the end of the day and sometimes you can’t keep it separate [sic]. I am forever grateful I met Kiko and can call him my friend.”


As previously reported, Chef Kiko was facing heat from Captain Sandy and the charter guests over a Vegas-themed dinner that didn’t exactly go as planned.

Following that episode, Kiko took to his social media to share his thoughts.”I have been receiving so many lovely DMs that make me feel so happy! You guys are happy I love you all!” he posted. “I can’t believe I have so many fans.”

He added, “Sorry for the terrible Vegas night, that wasn’t me and I was mentally and physically destroyed. When I feel bad it passes to my food and I’ll improve this day by day. Shit happens and life is like this!”

Despite the drama, Kiko seems to be taking everything in stride and does seem to have a huge amount of support from fans of the show, who have really come to enjoy getting to know him every week.

Hannah, for her part, is also moving in new directions as she recently announced her pregnancy with her new beau.

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays on Bravo and Slice.

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